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This page provides detailed information about the CDM maintainers. A CDM maintainer is one of the different within the CDM community.

Appointment of CDM Maintainers:

Maintainers are designated as either Organisational Representatives (OrgRep) or Private individuals. Private individuals are maintainers in their own right, acting on their own volition and not representing another legal entity. OrgReps are appointed by their organisation, acting on behalf and for that organisation. Organisations are recommended to appoint at least two representatives for coverage purposes. Organizations may change their OrgReps at any time.

A list of Maintainers along with their type will be kept visible within the governance documentation provided on the repo and mini-site.

  • Additional Maintainers may be proposed by Participants. Proposed new Private individuals or new organisations will be approved via consensus of the Participants and with agreement of existing Maintainers, and should meet the following criteria:

  • Proven experience in data modelling and/or software development in financial markets.

  • In-depth understanding and proven track record of contribution to the CDM, as well as other data standards (such as ISO) and messaging protocols (such as FIX, FpML or Swift).Private individuals and Organisations may choose to rescind their maintainership at will but must notify the other maintainers. Any entity who has chosen to rescind their maintainership, but then at a later time would like to re-join the maintainer team, is subject to the voting process outlined above. Additionally any OrgRep who has been replaced by their organisation, but wishes to remain a maintainer as a Private Individual will also need to go through the voting process. For the voting purposes, each Organization will have one vote.

    Maintaining entities or representatives can have their maintainer status revoked by unanimous vote of other maintainers. This measure is expected to be used only in extreme circumstances such as in the event of a maintainer being inactive for a significant period of time, or being found to no longer meet the requirements of being a maintainer set out above. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of circumstances.

Proposals for an entity to be given maintainership status or to have maintainership rescinded should be made at a Steering Group, with final approval or rejection at the following Steering Group to ensure fair notice for all. Proposals should be sent to the Steering Group chair to add to the agenda.

The maintenance and release page provides further detail on maintainers' responsibilities.

Click here to view the pull request approval guidelines.

FINOS CDM Project Maintainers

FINOS Common Domain Model is maintained by FINOS members and the wider open source in finance community.

The following are the FINOS CDM maintainers and the firms they represent.

FINOS CDM MaintainerRepresentingCapacityGithubID
Gabriel CallsenICMAOrgRepgabriel-ICMA
Tom HealeyICMAOrgReptomhealey-icma
Vernon Alden-SmithISDAOrgRepvaldensmith
Eleonora AcunaISDAOrgRepeacunaISDA
David ShoneISDAOrgRepdshoneisda
Lyteck LynhiavuISDAOrgRepllynhiavu
Adrian DaleISLAOrgRepADaleISLA
Chris RaynerISLAOrgRepchrisisla
Minesh PatelRegnosysOrgRepminesh-s-patel
Leo LabeisRegnosysOrgReplolabeis
Hugo HillsRegnosysOrgRephugohills-regnosys
Manuel MartosTradeHeaderOrgRepmanel-martos
Marc GratacosTradeHeaderOrgRepmgratacos

If you would like to get in touch with the CDM maintainer team, contact them through their mailing list. You can do so by first subscribing at and posting at .