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Version: 6.0.0

Mapping (Synonym)

In order to facilitate the translation of existing industry messages (based on open standards or proprietary ones) into CDM, the CDM is mapped to a set of those alternative data representations using the Rosetta DSL synonym feature, as described in the Mapping Component Section.

The following set of synonym sources are currently in place for the CDM:

  • FpML standard (synonym source: FpML_5_10): synonyms to the version 5.10 of the FpML standard
  • FIX standard (synonym source: FIX_5_0_SP2): synonyms to the version 5.0 SP2 of the FIX protocol
  • ISO 20022 standard (synonym source: ISO_20022): synonyms to the ISO 20022 reporting standard, with no version reference at present
  • Workflow event (synonym source: Workflow_Event): synonyms to the event.xsd schema used internally in Rosetta to ingest sample lifecycle events
  • DTCC (synonym sources: DTCC_11_0 and DTCC_9_0): synonyms to the OTC_Matching_11-0.xsd schema used for trade matching confirmations, and to the OTC_Matching_9-0.xsd schema used for payment notifications, both including the imported FpML schema version 4.9.
  • CME (synonym sources: CME_ClearedConfirm_1_17 and CME_SubmissionIRS_1_0): synonyms to the cme-conf-ext-1-17.xsd schema (including the imported FpML schema version 5.0) used for clearing confirmation, and to the bloombergTradeFixml schema (including the imported FpML schema version 4.6) used for clearing submission
  • AcadiaSoft (synonym source: AcadiaSoft_AM_1_0): synonyms to version 1.0 of AcadiaSoft Agreement Manager
  • ISDA Create (synonym source: ISDA_Create_1_0): synonyms to version 1.0 of the ISDA Create tool for Initial Margin negotiation
  • ORE (synonym source: ORE_1_0_39): synonyms to version 1.0.39 of the ORE XML Model

Those synonym sources are listed as part of a configuration file in the CDM using a special synonym source enumeration, so that the synonym source value can be controlled when editing synonyms.