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Version: 6.0.0

Reference Data Model

The CDM only integrates the reference data components that are specifically needed to model the in-scope products, events, legal agreements and function components.

This translates into the representation of the party and legal entity.

Parties are not explicitly qualified as a legal entity or a natural person, although the model provides the ability to associate a person (or set of persons) to a party, which use case would imply that such party would be a legal entity (even if not formally specified as such).

The LegalEntity type is used when only a legal entity reference is appropriate i.e. the value would never be that of a natural person.

type Party:
[metadata key]
partyId PartyIdentifier (1..*)
name string (0..1)
[metadata scheme]
businessUnit BusinessUnit (0..*)
person NaturalPerson (0..*)
personRole NaturalPersonRole (0..*)
account Account (0..1)
contactInformation ContactInformation (0..1)
type NaturalPerson:
[metadata key]
personId PersonIdentifier (0..*)
[metadata scheme]
honorific string (0..1)
firstName string (0..1)
middleName string (0..*)
initial string (0..*)
surname string (0..1)
suffix string (0..1)
dateOfBirth date (0..1)
type LegalEntity:
[metadata key]
entityId string (0..*)
[metadata scheme]
name string (1..1)
[metadata scheme]